Construction Administrative Building / Architect Selection Procedure – First Prize
A new three-storey administration building is to be built on the premises of Schamel Horseradish in Baiersdorf. As part of the new construction, central functions in the existing plant are renewed and converted to the current standard in accordance with IFS Food (International Featured Standards Food). In addition, a new picking hall will be built. The open-air and transport facilities will be adapted and redesigned for plant development. The Johann-Jakob-Schamel-Platz becomes an integral part of this transformation. The new administration building is connected to the existing building via a bridge. A special feature is the spacious foyer, which also includes an interactive exhibition on the history of the company and the technologies used for the production of horseradish throughout the last 100 years. The Corporate Identity of the building is thematically characterized by the elements sun, water and earth, which are abstractly reflected in the chosen materials. Three striking conical concrete columns made of UHPC concrete (ultra-high-performance concrete) with a wooden mantle in the form of horseradish roots mark the new entrance.
Initial planning – 2020
Start of construction – 2021
Completion – 2023
© light simulation: SIMES – luce per l’architettura